


Joining Counteract’s Portfolio

Strengthening our mission to restore rivers and expand our reach for positive impact.

We are excited to share that CarbonRun has recently joined Counteract’s portfolio. Counteract, a venture capital company dedicated to catalyzing carbon removal efforts, aligns perfectly with our mission to combat climate change through innovative solutions.

As we continue our journey to restore rivers and sequester carbon dioxide, this partnership amplifies our impact and expands our network of support. With Counteract’s mission-aligned, hands-on guidance, we are better equipped to address the urgent challenge of scaling carbon removal efforts to close the carbon gap.

Together, we are committed to accelerating the deployment of responsible carbon removal technologies and driving positive environmental and social change.

March 25, 2024|

CarbonRun Joins Propeller’s Climate Fund Portfolio

We are now a proud member of Propeller’s mission-driven community, aligning with their commitment to transformative climate solutions.

Propeller, a leading climate fund focused on the ocean, has recognized CarbonRun for our groundbreaking work in using river restoration techniques for carbon dioxide removal.

After participating in their Ocean MBA, our journey with Propeller is not just about investment; it’s about a shared vision to harness the power of the ocean in the fight against climate change.

Kudos to Propeller for their dedication to transformative strategies and helping companies like ours scale up to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing climate.

January 24, 2024|

MaRS Discovery District’s Podcast

CarbonRun’s CTO, Dr. Eddie Halfyard, lends his expertise in freshwater ecosystems on Solve for X: Innovations to Change the World

In a new episode for the podcast Solve for X, we explore the potential of marine carbon dioxide removal.

Scientists are finding that ocean alkalinity enhancement is one of the more promising solutions for permanently storing carbon from the atmosphere. And not only could this emerging technology help with the climate crisis, it could also address another key problem: acidity in the ocean, which is endangering ecosystems. In this premiere episode of the second season of Solve for X: Innovations to Change the World, we discuss how this technology could help and what still needs to be figured out.

This episode features Dr. Eddie Halfyard, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at CarbonRun. He’s also a research scientist with the Nova Scotia Salmon Association, pursuing freshwater alkalinity enhancement to restore salmon habitats.

November 7, 2023|

The Sciographies Podcast

Dr. Shannon Sterling, CarbonRun Founder and CSO, and her path to carbon removal and river restoration

Dr. Shannon Sterling, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of CarbonRun, is featured on Sciographies, a radio program on CKDU 88.1 FM that delves into the careers of selected Dalhousie University researchers.

Sciographies is a podcast and radio show produced by the Faculty of Science, in partnership with CKDU 88.1 FM in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The show introduces listeners to the scientific community at the top university in Nova Scotia. Each episode explores events in the guest’s life that led to a career in science, while also exploring their research. The show is hosted by David Barclay, an associate professor in the Department of Oceanography.

In this episode, Dr. Sterling talks about growing up in North Vancouver, her research career, grappling with the idea of geoengineering as a necessity in the fight against climate change, and founding CarbonRun.

November 7, 2023|

Frontier facilitates third round of carbon removal purchases

Frontier announces purchases from CarbonRun, a Canadian company that combats climate change by restoring rivers.

Frontier, an advance market commitment for carbon removal, has announced that it is facilitating carbon removal purchases from CarbonRun, a new mission-driven company based in Nova Scotia, Canada. CarbonRun has the dual goals of restoring freshwater ecosystem health while reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Rivers naturally draw carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and deliver the carbon to the ocean. This natural process helps keep the planet cool by reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Pollution disrupts the health of river ecosystems and diminishes the capacity of rivers to hold carbon. CarbonRun has developed a way to restore this connection using well-understood river restoration approaches. By reversing river acidification caused by human-induced pollution, CarbonRun enhances a river’s natural carbon capture ability and ensures the water is healthier for fish and other aquatic life: a win-win.

Ultimately, this approach will help remove large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide while restoring the health of our rivers. Answering the call of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), CarbonRun offers a safe and effective carbon dioxide removal strategy to complement emission reduction in our global fight against climate change. In this way, CarbonRun aims to align carbon dioxide removal with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Frontier’s mission is to accelerate the development of carbon removal that has been rigorously assessed against criteria including around durability, verifiability, cost, and safety, including environmental outcomes. The prepurchase facilitated by Frontier will enable river restoration projects that will remove atmospheric carbon dioxide, restore freshwater ecosystems, strengthen local communities, and increase our ability to meet vital climate goals.


Shannon Sterling PhD, Founder & CSO

“I’m thrilled about the exciting prospects that lie ahead with CarbonRun’s new approach to carbon dioxide removal. By enhancing the natural capacity of rivers to drawdown carbon, our solution has the potential to play a pivotal role in our arsenal against climate change. River-based carbon dioxide removal offers valuable advantages: it is remarkably swift and easily quantifiable, delivers tangible ecological benefits, and can empower local communities in the process.”


Eddie Halfyard PhD, Co-founder & CTO

“I have devoted my 20-year career to restoring wild rivers and saving endangered species. However, finding funding for this vital work has always been a challenge. That is why I am excited about the CarbonRun process, which can remove CO2 from the atmosphere by adapting a proven method to improve water quality. This is a rare opportunity for climate action that also benefits rivers, using a simple, practical and safe approach. I believe that the CarbonRun process is a win-win solution for fish, local communities, anyone who cares about healthy rivers and, ultimately, the planet.”

November 7, 2023|

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